What conditions can acupuncture help with?
sleep disorders
gastro intestinal disorders
pain (ie: low back pain, neck pain, ankle sprain etc)
emotional dysregulation - anxiety, stress, depression
respiratory conditions
menstrual symptoms
menopausal symptoms
sexual dysfunction
blood pressure
and many more!
Does acupuncture hurt?
Nothing should be painful! Sensation in the site of the needle, around the area or traveling sensations are nromal. These may include tingling, heaviness or warmth. If you feel something sharp or a burning sensation just less us know and we will adjust it. Your comfort is our top priority.
What should I wear?
You can come to your appointment as you are. We have sheets and blankets that accommodate your comfort and access any body parts that we need to. Some people like to bring a pair of shorts or wear looser clothing that doesn't restrict and can easily be adjusted. Areas of commonly used acupuncture points include the leg below the knee, arm from the elbow to hand, the back, abdomen and scalp.
How many treatments will I need?
There is no way to answer this until we are able to do a full intake on the first appointment. Additionally, people react differently to acupuncture, therefore treatment length, frequency and duration can vary.
Every person is treated in a unique way that considers all aspects of their condition and their overall state of health. If the focus of treatment is an acute condition that began recently, an example plan could be appointments two or three times a week initially and then frequency will taper off until the condition resolves. Chronic conditions often take longer to resolve and could involve treatment once a week for six weeks followed by a reassessment of the condition and continued adjustment to a treatment plan over the next 4-6 months.
What should I expect in my treatment?
Treatments will always include a discussion about the current state of you primary concern and you overall health. We may ask to see your tongue, feel your pulse or palpate areas of the body to help give us an overall picture of what is going on. Modalities used by an acupuncturist include the use of hair thin needles to stimulate acupuncture points, acupressure (without needles), cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Tui Na massage, lifestyle and nutritional guidance. They may be used independently or in combination.
What should I do before and after my treatment?
Try to avoid eating a large meal right or drinking coffee before your treatment. This will help your treatment be more effective. If you can, allow yourself time after your appointment giving you time to allow yourself the full benefits of the treatment and the time to gain awareness of changes in your body. Make sure to drink some water and listen to your body in the 72 hours following your session -- your body will tell you what it needs.
What is a Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis?
Treatments will always include a discussion about the current state of you primary concern and you overall health. We may ask to see your tongue, feel your pulse or palpate areas of the body to help give us an overall picture of what is going on. Modalities used by an acupuncturist include the use of hair thin needles to stimulate acupuncture points, acupressure (without needles), cupping, moxibustion, Gua Sha, Tui Na massage, lifestyle and nutritional guidance. They may be used independently or in combination.
What is tongue diagnosis?
The tongue is the only muscle of the body that we can see. Areas of the tongue give us information about the functioning of your organ systems and corresponding channels as well as other clues as to the state of balance in your body.
What is pulse diagnosis?
We are feeling for much more than just the rate of your heart beat. The pulse is felt in three positions on each wrist and at three depths. Each position corresponds to a channel and organ in your body and gives us insight into the state of your body at that moment. Throughout your treatment we may refer back to the pulse to give us infomation about how you are responding to your treatment.